We know that web design is always evolving as our digital culture continues to shift and with that, our attention spans now appear shorter than ever before. This is evident through Snapchat’s 10-second rule and Twitter’s 140 character limit. However brief and to the point, these platforms have quite the impact on the way users browse the internet. The same idea falls on home pages: Beyond Private Label specializes in creating solutions that catch the attention of your clients’ audience and turn them into paying customers through just one page for your business.
BPL builds home pages with seamless web design that best displays your clients’ branding and tone. The majority of online customers make decisions within only three seconds, so it’s important that the look of the home page is clean, beautifully done, and easily navigable. Our designers and developers have your client needs covered.
Content should be short and sweet. Quality, persuasive writing will pull customers in and should keep them there long enough to want to purchase your clients’ products or services. BPL copywriters brainstorm creative content that is entirely search engine optimized, keyword-rich, and most importantly of all, as compelling as possible.
Strategically blending visuals and content produces effective home pages that make a difference in the way your clients do business. Since they only have one page to make a positive first impression, they need to make it count for the sake of the brand and overall conversions. We’ll back your clients’ advertising with a home page that encompasses their goals and drives online traffic their way. Contact us at Beyond Private Label to learn more and get started today!