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August 1, 2017
Responsive Websites

Happy August, everyone! The summer is slowly dwindling down and one of the busier times of the year is coming up on us fast. Fall is the perfect time to get your clients set up with a new business website, or update their current one to reflect some of the latest marketing tactics on the web today.

Full Screen Videos

Videos are an incredible addition to any website as they allow for a more in-depth look at any product or service. Full screen videos are now changing the game. These features give users a quick, all-encompassing look at any business and provide them with a greater idea of the message or branding as well. By creating videos that stretch much larger across the screen, it provides a more impactful experience to the audience.

Shallow Hero Headers

Hero headers are often the first images users see when they visit a website. When these images are built to be “shallow,” this means the images are about half the size and push more useful information further up the page. Users will see calls to action and copy easily, which will inspire them to interact with the website right away.

These trends are rapidly changing the way users interact with businesses and brands on the web. Beyond Private Label is equipped to adapt to a notoriously dynamic digital sphere, and you can depend on our team to deliver the products your clients need to keep up with such change.

Ready to learn more and get started? Contact us at BPL today.

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