New Year, New SEO Strategy

February 2, 2017
SEO Marketing


We hope 2017 has been off to a great start for you and your clients! This year, we are upping our Search Engine Optimization game here at Beyond Private Label. With the help of Whiteboard Friday over at Moz, we have learned a lot about what SEO might look like this year and what to pay attention to in our own digital product creation. Watch the full video over at Moz here. Check out just a few of the key takeaways we learned below:

Search Trends to Watch

The Rise of Searcher Intent

Searcher intent is now almost more important than keywords – however, this does not mean keywords are no longer important. Minor change in keyword structure can produce impactful results in searcher intent, which means we must really tune in and understand what users might be typing in the search box.

Voice Search

This hasn’t taken off completely in terms of search marketing, but it’s definitely something to watch for. Voice searching with new technology is an entirely modern, fresh way of using search engines – which might eventually call for a modern, fresh way of crafting content.

Links from Outside Sources

Links have always taken a large part in building up SEO, as well as credibility. Now, the quality of those links is a lot more important when it comes to showing up in search engine results pages.

SEO Goals

Goal setting is imperative in many ways, and it is no different with SEO. Mapping goals to SEO tactics can help you achieve better results through stronger priorities and a more clear idea of what the business wants to accomplish. A good example of a quality goal comes from the video at Moz: “…Drive more traffic with organic search, thus reducing our dependency on advertising and other forms of marketing that cost a lot more.”

Reports and Measurements

The last step in Moz’s how-to guide for SEO in 2017 is all about building a reporting and measurement system that depicts progress. This is a great way to show people exactly where a business might be headed. The best approach is to choose any project or tactic and add the metrics by which the business wants to measure themselves. Moz’s example offers a tactic of ranking for top 3 competitor comparison searches. The metrics include rank, search volume, traffic received, conversions, and the retention of those customers who have come through, in that order. This is an effective way to map out the year’s SEO goals and get started with a strategy that works.

Keeping those points in mind, we are restructuring the way we look at SEO and the ways we can implement it within the websites that we create for your clients. Contact us at BPL to learn about this strategy and how we can leverage it to drive more traffic your clients’ way more than ever before! Give us a call today.

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