7 Questions to Ask Before a Website Redesign

December 2, 2016
Social media on the phone

As an expert in digital solutions, you should be making sure your clients are asking the right questions when it comes to redesigning their website. Beyond Private Label is the trusted white label company when it comes to redesigns and building effective websites that deliver outstanding results every time! Here are 7 questions that should be covered between you and your client before the process begins. Have your clients think about these questions while you work out a new and improved online marketing strategy for their business.

  1. When was the last time my website was updated?

This is important when it comes to deciding how much time it will take to redesign the website. If it’s been a while since the website had any work done, it could take much longer to redesign each working part. It can also be noted that web traffic may not be as high as it could be due to outdated content or design.

  1. Why isn’t my current website working?

We suggest you go through your current website and check over everything that may need fixing. Outdated layouts, images, content, broken links, or any other important aspects of your website that should be updated can immediately age your website. It will be too confusing for the audience to use, and will bring down the traffic of your website.

  1. What am I looking to accomplish with a redesign?

A redesign or complete revamp can easily rope in brand new customers. Discovering and implementing a revised online strategy will allow you to gain the results you wish to achieve with your updated, redesigned website. In general, it will give you a fresh start and a clear mind to continue providing exceptional products or services for your customers.

  1. Are there other website designs that I really like?

If you’re in the market for a website redesign, it is helpful to pick out the websites you really like. You can get a feel for the overall function of their website, and implement some of those ideas into your own website. BPL can help your clients determine what might work best for your business, and tweak the parts you like into something of your very own!

  1. What are my overall business goals?

Make sure you are well aware of your business goals, and be sure to communicate those when you are working out the details of your redesign. Those goals should be incorporated into your online marketing strategy, and will ultimately drive more users to your website because consumers will be able to easily determine how your values are beneficial to their needs.

  1. Have my products and/or services changed at all?

Did you recently undergo a price change for a product you sell, or remove one of your menu items? This is a very important piece of the puzzle! All of your information needs to be updated and double checked. This will ensure your redesigned website is accurate and relevant to your consumers, both current and potential.

  1. Is my current website accessible via mobile devices?

If it’s not, it should be! Beyond Private Label will create a functional, effective mobile website that can be accessed from virtually any mobile device. As long as there is an internet connection, your on-the-go audience will be able to access the details of your business in a matter of a few taps. This will add to your credibility and make it much easier for your clients to reach you quickly if they are away from their desktop or laptop.

Present these questions to your clients and let us know how we can help! Beyond Private Label guarantees white label digital products that deliver the results your clients need for online success. Our strong team of developers, designers, writers, and account managers are experienced in the art of redesigns – trust the professionals to get the job done entirely for you! Give us a call to learn more details about our redesign options and we’ll get started right away.

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